21 and Atypical: Christos

There are 180 posts about Christos on this blog so I will spare you the repeat and link you to the one that describes how I see him best. I wrote this on his 18th birthday and contributed it to Ambitious about Autism’s International Day of Families campaign. Click to read: To Christos, on your 18thContinue reading “21 and Atypical: Christos”

Sibling Dance

The unusually hot UK summer has come to an end  on Christos’ last day in the UK – and he has just finished shopping in Oxford Street, London. The last week has been full of giggles and pleasant surprises. I am constantly amazed by how he has grown into a beautiful, mature adult with autism.Continue reading “Sibling Dance”

The “Normal” Cult

It’s autism awareness week if you hadn’t noticed & I read this article on BBC about women on the spectrum – It all made sense when we found out we were autistic . These women are teachers, PhD candidates, artists, comedians, psychologists and they are inspiring (& autistic). About 700,000 people in the UK are on theContinue reading “The “Normal” Cult”

Under the Sea

When visiting friends and family while Chris was growing up my parents needed a distraction; that was either food, or Disney. My dad had friends who worked for a museum in Larnaca and we used to visit them often and eat yummy food. They had a little girl who owned ‘Magic English’ cassettes. For thoseContinue reading “Under the Sea”

Dog Treats, Ice Cube and Rutgers University for Autism

What is Silver Linings? I go to Silver Linings to watch for any balloons we can reach and move to our world, and here are the ones I have been following in the last couple of months: Finley’s Barkery in Minnesota “embraces neurodiversity and empowers people to do what they love. 80-90% of adults withContinue reading “Dog Treats, Ice Cube and Rutgers University for Autism”

#Project324 – Exception or Exceptional?

I find it really difficult to explain if awareness means making Autism the exception – which would include special learning methods, special units, training, etc; or if it means accepting that Autism is exceptional – and whether exceptional means rare/uncommon, or inspirational/remarkable. Exception: Making Autism the exception would include all the initiatives I have seenContinue reading “#Project324 – Exception or Exceptional?”

#Project324 Week 9

Week 9 begun with France and Switzerland receiving their cards and starting to distribute this week. Christos’ 18th birthday is ONLY 2 weeks away today. List of Fab Things in Week 8 & 9: FAB 1: After my fab auntie Eleni gave me the idea, I have spent most of my wage on Disney dresses andContinue reading “#Project324 Week 9”

#Project324 – Week 7

Only 3 more weeks to go. So far, we received 2 emails from people who found cards in New Jersey & 1 from Cyprus; 17 emails from people who have read about the project; 3 articles have been published (Ambitious About Autism, Vantage Magazine, Ant1wo); and I have loads more pictures to share 🙂 Before theContinue reading “#Project324 – Week 7”

Wear Blue on April 2nd 2016

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. Last year, almost 5,000 people took part in The National Autistic Society’s first ever World Autism Awareness Week and raised over £235,395 to help autistic people and their families across the UK. Last year, countries around the world lit their buildings in blue in honour of the day. There wereContinue reading “Wear Blue on April 2nd 2016”