#Project324 – Week 7

Only 3 more weeks to go. So far, we received 2 emails from people who found cards in New Jersey & 1 from Cyprus; 17 emails from people who have read about the project; 3 articles have been published (Ambitious About Autism, Vantage Magazine, Ant1wo); and I have loads more pictures to share 🙂

Before the pictures though, as this month is known as Autism Awareness & as this project is about Awareness, I thought it would be appropriate to highlight what we want people to be aware of.

  1.  Be aware of what Autism is: Autism is so many things, it’s a spectrum condition which spans from non-responsive to invisible. In the UK the numbers are 1 in 100, in the USA its 1 in 68, and on the whole, 1% of the world population has been diagnosed as being on the spectrum. Awareness means knowing what Autism can be & not categorising it under learning disability and mental health exclusively; or even at all.
  2. Be aware of the healthcare needs: I’ve talked about therapies, endorsed and alternative, diets, pills that we had to go through when Chris was growing up. It’s important to know what Autism needs before we can assess what is lacking from healthcare today. It’s important for community members to know what therapies people with Autism undergo, along with family members, because it will give you a different perspective when you encounter them. If you know a fraction of the abundance of things we have to consider daily, and the money spent on it, maybe next time you see a family in a restaurant struggling to keep someone under control, you won’t judge them, or get angry, or stare; because you’ll be aware of a reality far away from yours.
  3. Be Autism-Friendly: 2015 was a big year for Autism. We have seen a steady increase in initiatives to increase employability options for adults with Autism (Microsoft, BBC, Apple, FR, Army) as well as a number of programmes filling up TV time. If you want to watch any:
    1. Understanding Autism http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0375ytl
    2. *The A word http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0759b0c
    3. Girls with Autism https://itvstudios.com/programmes/girls-with-autism
    4. Autism and Me http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/4xQRdTyJC1bhNj5kXN4xqs9/autism-and-me
    5. The Autistic Me http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00m5jb4/the-autistic-me
    6. *Extreme Love: Autism http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01gk4xc/louis-theroux-extreme-love-1-autism

    The exposure has led to Autism-friendly parks, cinema screening, West End and Broadway shows and police training.

  4. Be aware of adults and Autism: Autism doesn’t go away when you grown up, its a friend for life. Because Autism is so ‘new’ there is very little research about Autism in adults and old age. We are wanting awareness for children with autism as well as adults/senior citizens. Taking care of Autism in older generations is critical at this stage because of how little we know about Autism in general. Seeing how it progresses and assessing the needs of the generations that were dubbed ‘weird’ instead of being provided appropriate support (whether educational or personal) is invaluable information.
  5. Be aware of Bullying: In 2015 Autism Together reported that 80% of respondents to their study, over the age of 16, reported being victims of bullying by friends. Abuse can range from verbal to financial, psychological and sexual. Bullying can occur because of a misunderstanding between the bully and the victim, or by the bully taking advantage of the disadvantage the victim is under. Bullying is one of those things that we cannot combat from outside, no matter how hard schools try, or peers try. Ignorance is the cornerstone of bullying and it’s up to you to end it. Learn and teach your kids, family, neighbours, friends, passer-bys. No one deserves to be mocked, thrown in bins, or being made to feel useless.

Pictures from #Project324:










Sri Lanka:

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can1 can2 can3






uk1 uk2






nj1 nj3 nj6 nj7





And one mid-air travelling from Australia to the UK 🙂


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