#Project324 Helping exceptional children live exceptional lives

leka-features.pngYesterday, 3rd May, a smart toy called Leka was released on Indiegogo. Leka is a super cute, robotic smart toy which was designed to change the way children with developmental disorders learn, play and progress. It’s not meant to replace therapy, it’s meant for enabling therapies; sensory and speech among others. Leka is a Bluetooth-enabled interactive toy and has been scientifically tested over the past two years in France and the US.

Leka has many functions, including games that build motor, cognitive, and emotional skills. “As robots have the ability to be predictable in their actions—an important trait for children with developmental disorders—Leka is able to give users a sense of safety. Coupled with this predictability and Leka’s capability to stimulate a child’s senses, Leka can socially engage children and nurture greater, more efficient progress.

Indiegogo campaign offers it at a low price point, $390.

Leka is a unique technology because, unlike computer based games, it will collect information that can contribute to a fuller understanding of Autism. We will have affordable, interactive technology which has been especially designed for autism, which will also give us personalised data from each individual user. Leka will record how children handle the device, how much time they spend on the activities, and how quickly they react.

#Project324 is receiving lots of love from Turkey, Wales, Switzerland, Kenya, America and Iraq. The project is nearly coming to an end. A Disney end.








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