A walk

Chris is in the middle of his ‘Dad Routine‘, he loves walks by the sea, on a sunny day, with daddy.

If he could talk, he would tell his dad that he is having a great time; instead, he shows him with the shaking of his head, and waving of his hands, the excited laugh and his hugs. The fresh air, the sounds, it all helps with sensory overload and sensory sensitivity for your kids; if they are deprived the stimuli of a walk and the sea are endless. If they are overloaded, like Christos, the exercise helps burn off energy, it relaxes the mind and makes him smile. He finds it easier to express his state of mind, his happiness and excitement.

If he could talk he would tell his dad how exciting it is to take that walk – from our house, down that long road, past all the places he knows so well, to the roundabout, past the Aquarium, towards the small church and down to the beach.  The hard pavement turns into dirt, an uneven walk through the nature, with sounds changing from car engines to the rustling of the tree leaves, the colours come alive, the stones, the sand lead to this place. He would explain to his dad how soothing the breeze is to his sensitive, overloaded skin and how the salty smell of the sea has become something that he associates with home. It leads to this place, a scenery of neverending blue pleases his sight, rests his tires eyes which are overloaded every day. The constant, steady movement of the water sends off a vibe that relaxes his mind, and the resounding sound blocks out all the unnecessary sounds from his sensitive ears. For that short time he hears one thing, he sees only one thing.

Happy Sunday.

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